

“Stuart is a guru with regard to career placement of 20somethings and 30somethings. He is in touch with what’s going on with Generation Y. Stuart would be a major asset to any entity.” December 7, 2007

Eric Melniczek [email protected], Director, High Point University Career Services

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Why does a company need to engage a personal job search assistance firm?

  1. The company wants to soften the blow from a layoff because of a genuine concern for their employee. Additionally, the company may want to re-hire this employee when economic conditions improve. The goodwill to the employee acts as a positive in an otherwise difficult situation.
  2. A company must find adequate employment for the trailing spouse of the recruited employee and offering job search assistance to the trailing spouse can act as a differentiator among other potential opportunities the candidate is considering.

Why does a job seeker need personal job search assistance?

  1. Government sector does not help you. They are geared to hand out unemployment benefits and typically help job seekers with lower education attainment.
  2. Headhunters/private sector only helps people with billable skills. If they cannot make money off of your skills, then they are not motivated to help you.
  3. Educational institutions only help recent graduates. They are focused on helping graduates who may or may not be looking for jobs locally in the region.

Additional reasons job seekers need personal job search assistance…

  1. You have been unsuccessful on your own. If you have been out of work longer than 20 weeks (the national average).
  2. You do not know where to start. The layoff just happened and you are trying to get your hands around the massive task.
  3. You have been using a flawed strategy. You have not been spending enough time and the time you have been spending has been on tactics that yield small returns.
  4. You are getting discouraged and depressed. Even the most confident people get beat down by the process. Encouragement and positive reinforcement from a third party is desired.
  5. You feel like you are on an island. Having someone hold you accountable and coaching may be all you need.
  6. You are forfeiting future earnings by taking longer than normal on your own to find the job you want. The quicker you get the job, the quicker you start getting paid.
  7. You have invested in formal education to acquire skills. Invest in learning how to get someone (employer) to invest in the skills you invested in acquiring. Finish the formal education process?



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